The business world buzzes with talk about goal setting each and every New Year. You may have put time and energy into some goal setting of your own in January, before life and running your business got in the way. It’s hard to believe that March is here already. And while you may feel as though you’ve missed the business planning boat, you can be rest assured that you haven’t. When it comes to setting goals, there is no better time than now.
At DEKE, we talk a lot about goals because financial data plays such a crucial part in the planning process. You can check out a few of our previous posts about SMART goals and benchmarking for more information, but the major takeaway is that reviewing financial data (whether you do it yourself or outsource that job to someone like me) is important. Don’t neglect your books until next tax season, and don’t wait until December 31st to start reflecting on the health and future of your business. There’s a lot we can be doing today to get you on track!