Springtime is an excellent time to tidy up your small business operations. Process improvement is crucial to the success of any business, but it can be overwhelming. Use the following checklist to keep your spring cleaning efforts constructive…
Start Small
Clear clutter from your desk, organize files, back up electronic files and delete the unnecessary emails that take up space in your inbox.
Take Inventory
Maintain a list of software subscriptions, equipment and other resources. Determine what is working, what isn’t working and what needs to be replaced immediately.
Plan Ahead
Most businesses experience seasonal changes (a high season, slow season, etc.). Analyze last year’s financial records, and develop appropriate marketing, HR and accounting strategies. Successful businesses are proactive, not reactive.
Outsource Distractions
Business owners wear many hats—marketer, bookkeeper, office administrator, HR director… Consider outsourcing peripheral business processes so that you have more time to concentrate on the primary function of your business. Improved operations will positively impact your bottom line.
Could outsourced bookkeeping benefit your small business? Email David@DEKEbookkeeping.com to schedule a complimentary call.